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There can be no warranty that an investment objective, targeted returns and results of an investment structure is achieved. The value of your investment can go up and down, and you could lose some or all of your invested money.

Nordea Asset Management is the functional name of the asset management business conducted by the legal entities Nordea Investment Funds S.A. and Nordea Investment Management AB and their branches and subsidiaries. This material is intended to provide the reader with information on Nordea Asset Management specific capabilities, general market activity or industry trends and is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast or research. This material, or any views or opinions expressed herein, does not amount to an investment advice nor does it constitute a recommendation to buy, sell or invest in any financial product, investment structure or instrument, to enter into or unwind any transaction or to participate in any particular trading strategy. Unless otherwise stated, all views expressed are those Nordea Asset Management. Views and opinions reflect the current economic market conditions, and are subject to change. Any investment decision should be based on the Offering Memorandum or any similar contractual arrangement. All investments involve risks; losses may be made. While the information herein is considered to be correct, no representation or warranty can be given on the ultimate accuracy or completeness of such information. Prospective investors or counterparties should discuss with their professional tax, legal, accounting and other adviser(s) with regards to the potential effect of any investment that they may enter into, including the possible risks and benefits of such investment, and independently evaluate the tax implications, suitability and appropriateness of such potential investments. Published by the relevant Nordea Asset Management entity. Nordea Investment Management AB and Nordea Investment Funds S.A. are licensed and supervised by the Financial Supervisory Authority in Sweden and Luxembourg respectively. This material may not be reproduced or circulated without prior permission. © Nordea Asset Management.

In the United Kingdom: Published by Nordea Asset Management UK Limited, a private limited company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 11297178; which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered office at 5 Aldermanbury Square, London, United Kingdom, EC2V 7AZ.

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Segui le news e le novità degli ultimi trend di investimento di Nordea Asset Management

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Ascolta le news e le novità degli ultimi trend di investimento di Nordea Asset Management

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